Monday, October 1, 2012

The Last Month

It's my last month of work at my 'outside of the home' job.  Then it will be on to a new journey.  This last month will be a cleaning out period...of both the work desk and the studio space at home.  Work desk in preparation for leaving a clean slate for the next worker, the studio space in preparation for beginning a new career.  a Stay-at-Home Artist...hmm, saha...say ha!  That's it, HA for finally to have the opportunity to being a life I have only dreamed about since a youth.  and if I go back to my beginnings, I would say an artist in the form of pencil/watercolor/oils/acrylic....with a fallback of sewing, knitting/crochet, beadwork.  It was as a child in church that I drew.  I remember the family that sat behind us in church, the Smith.  I don't know what Mr. Smith did for a living, but I remember every Sunday receiving a pad of paper and a pencil from him, with which I would draw all during the service...I was ages 6 to 10...I guess the 'rents didn't mind or care as long as we (bro and I) were quiet.  I was asked to draw the posters for special services at the church, so I feel led that I should really pursue that.  Life with E&S got in the the Bible state, Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Pro. 22:6)...E&S didn't understand the concept of Train...I think they misunderstood it to mean...Control.  as long as S had control then all was good with the world.  Now here it is 40 years later, and I've come into the awareness of the true situation with E&S and know that I have moved on.  Now is the time for me to find out who/what I am all able.  To listen to my own voice in matters of my life...and so far, the the love and support of my husband, I haven't been wrong.  Honor your parents and I've done that, and ready to move on, they are to live with the consequences of their actions, just as I will.  I have forgiven and asked for forgiveness, now to the next step.  Cleaning out the house and the studio have been therapeutic in the resolution of moving on...dumping the old, adopt the new, experience life and love from a fresh perspective!
Tonights chores...color this more time! maybe!  LOL!, an hour in the studio, an hour on the computer and then the rest of the night checking out The Voice!
till later

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